about us
Righteous Foods was born in 2008 when Travis and Ryan Croxton from Rappahannock River Oysters, looking for a way to get their oysters into New York in an expedient fashion, approached Keith Swenson, a former trader with experience in the fields of logistics and eating seafood with the seemingly insane idea of becoming and oyster purveyor. Ten years later here we are, delivering harvest to order oysters from growers from Virginia to Maryland to Maine, from Massachusetts to the tiny nation state of Rhode Island and even from the exotic and mysterious waters of Washington State and British Columbia. Amy Swenson, the remaining Swenson “twin” and brains of the operation, joined the company as a partner in 2010 and lent the undertaking a general aura of respectability and professionalism. In 2015, Amy departed for the browner pastures of Arizona to raise her lovely and talented children in a cold free environment.
Our commitment is to freshness and sustainability. So we don’t sell wild harvested products and we don’t store our oysters for more than a few days unless grower shipping parameters don’t allow frequent ordering. As one of the few things that have to be alive when they’re eaten, it’s important that oysters are as alive as possible and our handling methods ensure that.
Additionally, we believe that the future of all seafood lies in proper management of wild resources along with the development of sustainable and clean methods of aquaculture. Seafood is the last wild harvested source of protein that most humans will eat. It’s a resource that our entire species shares. We have an obligation to each other, to our offspring, and to the animals being consumed to manage it responsibly and fairly.